6 Days Ultrasonography In-Campus Program With Practical And Theoretical Sessions. 22 December 2024 - 27 December 2024

In the world of medical imaging, ultrasound probes are the unsung heroes, quietly performing vital tasks until an unexpected failure disrupts the harmony. These untimely incidents not only impact departmental revenue and patient care but can also can become a hurdle in the biomedical engineering budget. With decades of experience in the ultrasound service business, it’s evident that approximately 70 percent of service calls are linked to ultrasound probes. Hence, a proactive care and maintenance plan for these precision instruments can significantly influence a department’s operating budget when it comes to ultrasound purchase and maintenance.

Understanding the critical role ultrasound probes play an important role in delivering patient care across various clinical applications, it is without a doubt important to take proper measures to mitigate risks and ensure the longevity of the ultrasound imaging machine. Start by reviewing existing service agreements and identifying gaps that can be addressed through alternative service options, internal education, testing programs, or expanding current service coverage.

1. Educate Yourself and Department Sonographers

Collaboration is key in empowering departmental sonographers with the knowledge required to identify early signs of wear-and-tear or damage in ultrasound probes. By conducting basic physical examinations using a magnifying glass, sonographers can spot defects at an early stage. This proactive approach not only reduces the risk of further damage but also contributes to lowering overall repair costs.

2. Internal Routine Performance Testing

Enhance your service agreement by integrating a routine probe evaluation program, spearheaded by your facility’s internal biomedical engineering department. This entails an investment in specialized test equipment and training. The program ensures that ultrasound probes undergo regular assessments, enabling the early detection of potential issues and facilitating timely intervention.

3. Onsite Probe Performance Testing Services

Consider engaging independent service providers that offer dedicated programs for probe evaluation testing. These services go beyond routine evaluations and include documented performance verification against the original equipment manufacturer’s standards. Utilizing calibrated image and Doppler phantoms, electrical leakage test equipment, and the First Call Test system, these programs provide a comprehensive analysis of a probe’s functionality.

4. Expand Service Coverage with Newer Shared Risk Support Programs

Look for service agreements that share the risk of failed probes and parts. Such agreements not only broaden the coverage of ultrasound equipment but also introduce a cap on costs. This proactive measure prevents unforeseen budgetary surprises, allowing for better financial planning and allocation of resources. If uncertainty surrounds the best course of action for maintaining your ultrasound equipment, consult with ultrasound service professionals for expert guidance. Real solutions exist to lower risks and safeguard your investment in this crucial medical technology.

For those seeking to enhance their sonography skills, BGI Ultrasound is ready to discuss with you regarding all your ultrasound training related needs and explore tailored options for ultrasound upskilling courses based on your individual requirements. Your proactive approach to ultrasound maintenance ensures a journey without any hassle in the realm of medical imaging.

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